I met Mas Sajady in 2014. I had worked with many healers over 30 years, but I sensed there was something different about him. I am highly intuitive, have several advanced degrees in psychology and have been involved in the study of consciousness.
  I want to offer my heartfelt "Thank you" to Mas for offering the Abuse Recovery Intensive and the addition of the Abuse Recovery Fundamentals. They have created an incredibly re-Evolutionary Series! Presented from the viewpoint of Exponential Intel
  Over the past two years of working with Mas Sajady, I have cleared out every reference from the past and can no longer find them... it reminds me of what it was like when I was young, heading out into the world on my own and my mind and being unbur
  The best part ever ... is I saw my husband become more compassionate towards me, less fight. Lot less abuse from others, my husband respects my choice to not see my in laws and believes me now. But so far the shift is so much inside ... my mentalit
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