Mas Sajady XI Podcast 191: The Chaos of the Purity Wave - Part 2


Sharing more on the effects and possibilities in this episode of The Chaos of the Purity Wave - Part 2, I explain what you will come to experience as a result of a thinner veil expanding from then transcending one consciousness into the next. These changes could have been no surprise for many, as we would have recognized the ebb and flow of the “purity wave” much like patterned waves on beach shores. Instead it is being phrased as “chaos” acting as a wake-up call, crashing through to wash away humanity’s deviations. The question I now pose to you is, will you now make more of a conscientious effort to stay centered and elevate?

The overarching umbrella effect of the “purity wave” is that lies, abuse, control or distortions can no longer exist the ways it had, making truth stand out further in its essence. What this means is, while the global event is a welcome wagon for those who have pointed fingers at their oppressors for their situations, they can no longer sit on the other side of the fence and play out roles of the oppressed either. Whether seen as relief or fear and optimism or pandemonium, all are being called to question their integrity in this co-creation.

The mechanics of this so-called chaos were spelled out in Part 1 and parts of this episode, and even surfacing symptoms of Covid-19 are bringing forth what is really at play. As suggested, Covid-19 is a label to what we can point to as the culprit. In contrast, emerging materials and inventions may be seen as beacons of hope and opportunity too. Listen in as there is much in my predictions to look out for in the coming months. Yet, please remember, the deeper truth always lies within from what we focus on and what we can be should we choose to embrace our grand selves.