Mas Sajady XI Podcast 198: Your New Operating System - Part 2


What this reality is going through is, without a doubt, a huge disruption to our livelihoods some would consider a deterrent while others welcome as opportunity. As we’re jostling around to find a “new normal,” you XI’ers should feel a deep calm and knowing that Your New Operating System has already been installed so there is no panic over upgrading to a higher order or meddling in denser level concerns of race, society, politics, family, finances or any of the issues “out there.”

For those who are new to me, welcome. Listen in and see how you can level up or sustain Your New Operating System. In Part 2 of this episode, I introduce more examples of contrast between the new consciousness from the old to highlight where is humanity’s current capacity to run Your New Operating System—soon to be reflecting your flourishing self and society.

If you think there are things to fix to make this world a better place, then the everyday layman to the leader is in for a rude awakening. You will learn of the behind-the-scenes reason as to what creates so-called good guys, bad guys or reality on this planet and what the “purity wave” has to do with us. Tune into yourself to become your best possible self and tune out of all the raucous that people may be pointing to as the culprits. Seek within and find what Your New Operating System awaits you.