Season 2, Episode 16: XI Defines: Spacetime Part 2

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Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

“The reason why you're depressed is because you've pulled yourself out of time, and as you go further and further away, this turns into mental instability. Eventually, there's no connection between real time, where you're supposed to be, and where you are.”

Through two near death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience. In this episode, Mas discusses:

· The correlation between mental illness and spacetime
· How the reality you exist in can change based on where you are in spacetime
· How spatial referencing relates to spacetime
· The XI reason why sleep is so important for our wellbeing

In this Episode:
Spatial referencing is literally a GPS for your identity, just like how you synchronise your smartphone, it synchronises you to understand where you create yourself in spacetime. It pulls you into where you are, and then helps you get to where you should be.

“The more you use spatial referencing, the more you stay in sync with spacetime.”