Season 2, Episode 8: Is Mas Ever Wrong?

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Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

People come to me and say, I just met this new person in my life. Is he good for me? And I analyze it and say, yeah, he's good for you. I would see that it's probably going to be the worst experience that this person has ever had...but it will push you to your grandest's beneficial for you and it's your trajectory. It's not me making the decision. It's your higher self telling me not to tell you, so you can move to your highest trajectory.

Through two near death experiences, Mas Sajady has journeyed to the outer limits and come back alive to share timeless knowledge and superhuman abilities to help you live your ultimate human experience. In this episode, Mas discusses:

  • How some people can distort time

  • How Mas pushes you to your highest level

  • Mas’ readings and why some things are said and others aren't

  • How bad experiences can be the fastest way to your highest trajectory

The most opportune time, that's what I analyze in you, the best possibility or best scenario.
When I say, “if everything goes well, in two months X will happen to you”, if you remove the time distortions, X will happen to in the time that I said.
If you’re time distorted – if you worry a lot, you literally hold back time. If you want to guarantee you're not going to move forward until you know what you're stepping into, you're holding back time.
In those scenarios you're fearful, you're scared to expand into yourself.
For those people who are fearful, you pull back time, so X would happen much later for you - whenever you release that fear that allows you to hold back.

I don't create anything for you. I open up the possibilities and connect with your higher self, to get you to your highest level. Simple as that.