Season 2, The Secret Pain Of The 1% - Part 2

Mas Sajady XI Podcast

Each podcast is infused with powerful frequencies, helping you transform simply by listening.

Growing up in an environment where you had nothing; that meant that you could basically be anything that you wanted if you set your mind to it. The problem with that, is that my role models were based upon television and magazines, not on any sort of schooling or intellectual capabilities, it was about how do I get famous? Because if I get famous, they're gonna love me.– Anthony Camargo 

In Part 2 of this episode, Mas continues his interview with Anthony Camargo - a talented artist & designer with a bigger than life personality. Hear personal stories of his life struggles, success, fame, fortune, loss & love.

In this episode:

· Why fame & fortune can disconnect you from the world.
· How to create success from a higher level of consciousness, that will expand you - not destroy you. · What is the new business paradigm?

Celebrities, creators, that have all the money in the world, why would they shop lift? Why would they want to create trouble for themselves? Why would they want to destroy their identity?  

The problem with fame is, you get to a place where nobody can get to you, you’re disconnected.  

The world becomes a bubble of fantasy because you're not in touch with what's really going on. So, you stop being responsible. You stop doing the things that you're supposed to be doing.  

The key is, it’s not about what you’re doing, it’s the consciousness you’re doing it from. With XI, learn to expand into that consciousness where that creativity or that great invention is, and how to stay at that level. 

The new business paradigm is not what's in the goods or the materials. It's the consciousness that you live in as you create that item. So not only is the material in perfect condition, but the person who makes it is in that higher level of consciousness.”-