Space-Time: Your “WHERE and WHEN”

Even if you are new to the world of XI, you have probably heard Mas talk about “space-time”. In fact, he refers to himself as an “expert in Space-Time”.

But what does space-time have to do with you, your loved ones or your life? Isn’t space-time something from physics or relativity theory?

In this XI-Pedia entry we bring you the first in a series of articles on the basics of Space-Time as explained in XI, and make the connection between this basic physics principle, your human psychology and your everyday reality.

These articles assume no prior knowledge of XI but because they cover important fundamentals with new clarity and detail we hope they will be of profit even to seasoned XIers.

Settle in your favorite spot, kick back and enjoy!

Space-Time: Your “WHERE and WHEN”

What is the most important and basic relationship you can have as a human being?

The answer may surprise you!

It is not your relationship to your soulmate or your children, to yourself, or even to God.

It is your relationship to… space and time.

Why? Because our sense of ‘WHERE and WHEN’ is the most basic experience on which all others rest. If you don’t know “where you are in space and time (or space-time)”, you are literally “lost” for everything else.

Have you noticed that the very first questions that pop up when someone awakens from a fainting spell, or a long deep sleep are, “Where am I?” and “How long have I been out?”. Your “where and when” is what brings you back into your body and back into this physical world. Without those ‘anchors’ you would disconnect from physical reality and cease to exist!

We all share this innate need to orient ourselves in space and time. This sense of orientation is so basic that we don’t even think about it. It is happening on autopilot and, like your heartbeat or your liver function, your brain is constantly ‘pinging’ your location in space and time to ‘keep you here’.

Your Relationship to Space-Time

Most people are unaware that there could even be such a thing as your ‘relationship to space and time’. Yet this relationship to space and time determines everything about us: whether we feel happy, depresed or suicidal; whether we can make money or not; whether we can find a partner or make friends; or whether we are healthy or suffer all kinds of ailments.

Even though we may not realize it consciously, at a deeper level our language is constantly reflecting this most basic aspect of our human experience: think of all the expressions such as “out of time”, “spaced out”, “stuck in the past” or “beside myself” , “chasing time”, “feeling expansive”, “a waste of time”, “holding space” or “out of this world” — to name a few.

Now think of all the hundreds of words and phrases in our common vocabulary to express space or time: before, after, eventually, first of all, simultaneously, eventually, in the meantime, during, next year, again and again, time after time, …. behind, in front, above, below, outside, inside, on, below, parallel to, left, right, next to, across, nearby etc. etc.… Every time you use one of these terms, you’re indirectly acknowledging the importance of your relationship to space and time.

We are all familiar with the “power of now” or appeals to “be here now” or to “come into your body”. All these point to an awareness, even if subtle, of the crucial importance and power of space-time in our personal lives.

As we continue to evolve, we become more and more consciously aware of the ‘unseen background’ factors affecting our behaviors and experience of reality. Space-time is the ‘backdrop’ on which everything in our existence occurs and it therefore affects everything we experience or become!

One of the most important practical contributions of XI is to develop your awareness and control of space-time. Together with frequencies, XI work focuses on cultivating mastery of your location on the 4D space-time grid – Mas often refers to this location as your “4th coordinate”. The XI technique of “Spatial Referencing” is a powerful tool to regain space-time stability no matter where you are. (We will deep-dive on these related topics in future XI-Pedia articles).

In fact, it is not an overstatement to say that the master key to all happiness and abundance is to gain conscious awareness and control of your space-time location. This is where physics and personal psychology come together: the person who can command time and space, or their relationship to space-time, has found the missing component of all well-being.

Let’s look at some everyday examples to help you cultivate this awareness.

How Space-Time Affects Your Psychology and Well-being

All of our distorsions, psychological, physical, mental, spiritual – bar none! — have their root in a distortion at the level of space-time. That is, our dis-ease ultimately means we are ‘not in time’ (or the present moment), and/or we are in the ‘wrong space’.

Example 1: Behind Time

You can think of time as a train always moving forward. Or as a constantly growing linear chain where a new link is added to the front every new ‘moment in time’.

The head of the train, or the newest link in the chain, is the present moment. The present moment, or now, is the only real time: the past no longer exists and the future is fantasy. Only the now exists.

However, human beings have the ability (unlike animals) to “time travel”. Most of us are not aware that we can do this, but in fact most of us are not living precisely in the present and are constantly time-traveling or off-time. This doesn't mean we are living in the distant past or future, because a mere micron of a second off the present – a mere link behind in the time chain – is enough to create time distorsions. And most of us cannot control our time location to such a level of precision yet.

A common time distortion with respect to this train, or chain, of time is being “behind time”. Psychologically, this can manifest as feeling left behind, or often missing opportunities; you may feel depressed or despondent, as if the world is passing you by, or time slipping away from your reach. No matter what you do, life and physical vitality are out of your reach. You may have trouble being punctual or planning ahead.

At the physical level, your ‘cellular clock’ – the ‘algorithm’ each of your cells runs to keep time – is out of sync with real time and ‘running late’.

A deep trauma can also cause you to become ‘stuck’ or ‘frozen’ at the age that trauma occurred. In this case the “aging algorithm” your cells run has been slowed down and you would physically look and act younger than your age, and age slower than others. Unconsciously, as a defense mechanism to the trauma, you manipulated your cellular clock and as a result you are literally a younger, less mature person than your chronological age.

Example 2: Ahead of Time

Another common condition is to live “ahead of time” – again, a tiny mis-sync is enough to create distortion.
Such people literally live in the future, are often anxious and fearful of what could happen; they are always running, rushing in life, otherwise they will miss something or the train of time will crush them. Time feels oppressive and they are afraid ‘time will catch up’ with them.

If any of these situations resonate with you, start to notice when this happens. Look out for the psychological symptoms: do you feel anxious, depressed, or left behind, etc? Then ask yourself, like a scientist studying an interesting case: What is the relationship to time that is behind this feeling? And, How can I reset myself in time?

Make Spatial Referencing your best friend and notice how your state changes when you spatial-reference (which is also a form of referencing the present moment, or “time-referencing”)

Everything starts with awareness! Begin to notice the nuances of your relationship to time and you will begin the road to its mastery.

Space Distortions

We will only look at a brief example of a space distortion, as a proper explanation needs introducing further concepts like the 4D space-time grid, the zero-point and realities in XI. Stay tuned for future XI-Pedia articles where we will cover all of those.

Example 3: Beside Yourself
At some point in your life you may have felt “beside yourself” or “out of your mind”. Both of these idioms express a feeling of off-centeredness, or being “out of center”. They are spatial.

You may have realized this means that, just as we can time-travel, we can also “space-travel”. And just as there is only one real moment in time (the present, or eternal now) so there is only one real spatial location in 3D space, or “true reality” (what we may call the “source of life”). This location coincides with the present moment – it is at the “cross-roads of space and time” – and is referred to as the “zero-point” of space-time.

We’re all more or less aware of where “our center” is, or at least of when we’re “uncentered” (we feel unstable). This “center” we express informally with our everyday language actually refers to our best approximation to the zero-point of space-time – the place where we feel best. This is another example of psychology and physics coming together.

We need only be off by a micron in distance from the zero-point to find ourselves in another reality that is qualitatively very, very far from the “true reality” of unlimited abundance and power. As with time, our ability to travel in space is a skill we have yet to master as a species.

Space distortions mean we are each living in different realities (not the true reality), living somebody else’s reality or switching between multiple identities depending on the situation. If we stray far away enough from the zero-point we can no longer stay in space-time and actually… die!

By this point you may have realized that becoming centered and stable in space-time is the name of the game! Spatial Referencing is one of the key tools to cultivate space-time stability, but there are also other skills you can develop to great profit.

Once you have mastered stability the real game begins: navigating the vastness of space-time at will!

We hope this article has made space-time more relatable to your everyday life. In our upcoming articles we will cover other aspects of this foundational and fascinating topic in more detail. Join us for the next XI Tuesday!