Your Programming Part 2: Innate Abilities & Separating Consciousness


  • What the two innate powers we all share are

  • Wrong and Right ways to separate our consciousness

(Part 1 of this article available here)

Your Innate Abilities

Today we continue exploring our human mechanism, focusing on two powerful abilities we all share as part of our basic design. We’ve seen that our human self is designed as a hybrid of physical and spirit body. This inherent duality grants us two incredible abilities, namely to

  1. Separate our consciousness (or spirit, spirit body) from the physical body

  2. Create multiple identities (or simulations, versions, renderings) and switch between these different “software versions” of ourselves

These are great powers and, like any power, if we don’t learn to control them they can (and will!) distort and destroy us. Yet when harnessed, these same abilities become the great and indispensable tools we can use to expand and reach our ultimate goal of living heaven on earth.  For these reasons, it’s important to examine what can happen when these powerful abilities are used in the wrong versus the right ways. 

Separating Consciousness

We covered this ability in Finding Your Center and you can refer to that article for an illustrated explanation.

When Done Wrong:

  • Like a “kite”, you “fly” away from your body and center – illustrated in the right side figure above. As we saw in Finding Your Center we unconsciously separate ourselves from our body to some degree all the time. 

  • More extreme instances of “flying-out” can also happen for a variety of reasons: during trauma (so the spirit is safe while the body is harmed); voluntarily, such as during astral travel or spiritual practices to reach God by escaping the body; during near-death experiences, where the spirit floats outside the physical body.

  • Unless you’ve mastered centering, you’re unable to return fully into the body (to re-align spirit and body) and are therefore always off-center: distorted, unstable, disoriented, disconnected, not in the present. 

  • In extreme cases you can completely separate consciousness from the body and die (the kite string is cut).

  • Unlike XI, spiritual practices can encourage leaving the “prison of the body” behind to attain the freedom and spiritual ecstasy of higher, more exalted states. The word ecstasy (Greek ek-stasis) literally means “to step out of where you stand”. While we all long for the higher states, again, the trouble is that unless you’ve mastered the ability to fully re-enter the body, those flights of ecstasy will only leave you more and more disconnected when you return. 

  • When you fly out, external frequencies can enter your space because “no-one is present to mind the house” (your body). For example, squatter or control frequencies from relatives or the dead. These foreign frequencies can replace your true programming.

  • Those in-the-know can manipulate this innate ability in those who remain unconscious of it. Mind-control uses disorientation in space and time as the basis for its nefarious aims. For example, the use of black and white flooring, skewed walls or multiple mirrors to disorient and uncenter. 

You may see that as long as you’re not in conscious control, this is more of a liability than an ability!  In such cases, self-awareness and Spatial Referencing as a centering tool are your best allies (see Space-Time PART 1 & PART 2).

When Done Right

  • You use XI “Inner Expansion” – anchoring in the body while expanding awareness spherically out from your center –  as the proper way to reach and tune into higher levels of consciousness without separating or losing your center. A “balloon” expanding symmetrically from its center, as opposed to a kite directionally flying away from center. Illustrated in the left side figure above. 

  • You can view and understand yourself and your environment from multiple perspectives, creating reference points for this physical reality, so Pure Spirit can admire the full scope of its creation while staying stable and not forgetting yourself. 

  • You can expand your consciousness level and live from that higher level, advancing in your elevation. The higher your level, the more you can see “the forest for the trees” or the “maze” below and choose the correct path, and the more possibilities that become available to you.

  • You can time travel to the past or the future, to gain insights and foreknowledge, while remaining solid and able to fully return to the present.

  • You can visit and connect to different realities and levels of consciousness to explore, gain wisdom, insights and new creative ideas and possibilities, and not be destabilized or altered by those higher frequencies. You can bring back that knowledge to the physical plane, to help advance humanity.

You will probably agree that these are much better! 

The next XI-Pedia will delve into the “do’s & don'ts” of our other innate power: to create multiple versions of ourselves. Stay tuned!