Mas Sajady XI Podcast 120: Charity

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This episode is an especially powerful reflection on the nature of giving and how to do it in a deep, empowering way. It inspired by a recent trip to Skid Row on Los Angeles, where I served the less fortunate there and had deep realizations about the nature of poverty and scarcity. By choosing to serve others but shifting our intention and method of how we do so, we can create a lasting impact in the lives of others and a legacy and that last well beyond our lives on this physical plane.  

I begin this episode by discussing the nature of giving and there really are both right and wrong ways to do so. It's critical to recognize that every act of charity is an energy transferences, and If we do not come into service with clean and altruistic intentions it can be toxic for all parties involved. I share examples of what that has looked like in the past, including Mother Teresa, and how to shift your "why" in giving to ensure that your charity is empowering rather than enabling. 

I then vulnerably share my experience serving the impoverished Skid Row community of Los Angeles, including the judgments and fear that came up as I entered a world I had never seen before. I share my deep lessons learned as I connected and worked on the people there, which can benefit you in your own life and relationships across the board.

We close the lecture portion of this episode with step-by-step instructions of how to give  from an XI perspective, and how the act of charity can truly be a tool to awaken both the giver and receiver and clean up the distortions of the world. 

I end this episode with a potent Medihealing®, meditation and healing combined to accelerate your spiritual development. I guide you into a deep meditative state and help you look at the current energy behind your efforts to give to others, and how to shift them into an expansive space based in Pure Source and mutual empowerment. By the close of this episode you will have a renewed perspective on the true nature of giving and generosity, and a powerful set of tools to help you contribute to the elevation of the world's consciousness through charitable acts. 

 You can Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Google PlaySoundCloud, or Stitcher 

"Homelessness is humanity's distortion of itself."

Show Notes:

  • What is distorted about tithing

  • How to help people according to Xponential Intelligence

  • Why don't you get back after giving from the wrong space

  • Why Mother Theresa lived in poverty

  • Why do we feel the need to give to charities

  • Where real honor and dignity comes from

"Giving is always a transference of frequencies, not a transference of goods."

  • Why is proper charity needed

  • How do people end up on Skid Row

  • What can XI do for people who are down on their luck

  • Why does homelessness exist

  • What do the homeless represent

  • Can contributing to charity help you ascend

  • What happens when you give to the needy

"When we give from an awakened state, we aren't just giving money—we are igniting a spark of brilliance and helping them remember who they are."

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