Boundaries Part 1: Holding Your Space


  • What the number one spiritual law is (and it concerns boundaries!)

  • How weak personal boundaries invite “squatter” frequencies

  • Why “owning your space” is one of the most important skills to hone

The Inner & The Outer 

When we “leap down” from Spirit, through the boundary of space-time into physical creation, we enter a world of polarity or opposites. How do opposites come about? The fundamental operation behind creation is separation, and this is accomplished through boundaries – if you notice, this is reflected in our everyday language by the prevalence of the preposition “and”.

As humans, the most basic polarity we experience is that of inner versus outer: you and the environment. Have you noticed that Mas often asks you to feel your skin during meditations? He wants you to become aware of the two different worlds, inside and outside, and the separation created via your skin’s boundary. In other words, he’s asking you to become conscious of this most basic feature of your rendering – because so many of our distortions come from improper boundaries! 

Your Personal Space

At the frequency level, we each have a “personal space” meant strictly for you and your higher self alone. It’s your personal portion of “real estate”, your “house”, where your spirit can render your unique frequency mix, or identity, in the physical plane.

Just as “good fences make good neighbors”, so good boundaries make good humans. Unfortunately, trespassing or “frequency contamination” happens all the time… Because the majority of us still render weak boundaries. 

The left figure below illustrates a case of open boundaries, penetrated by external frequencies – the resulting personal space is murky. The right figure shows an ideal case, with neither bleed-out nor penetration – this person runs their own clean frequencies, with solid boundaries and self-identity.

*Space-Time is the first layer of creation, and separation from Spirit. This primordial divide is called many names: “Veil of forgetfulness”, “Curtains of the Tabernacle”, “Great Chasm”, “Star Gate”, “Door of Eternity”...

A note: your physical form/body and “your space” are intimately related, but when speaking of “trespass”, this is occurring at the frequency level: you could be physically touching/interpenetrating another person yet keep your space unbreached by their frequencies; on the other hand, someone across the world, or a long-deceased relative, can “take up residence” in your space, running their frequencies and consciousness through you.

The Challenge of Owning Your Space

Human beings are still maturing as a species and one of our greatest challenges remains establishing these firm – inside-outside, mine-not mine – boundaries. This is no small feat: we’re a timeless, boundless being that is simultaneously every-thing and everywhere, “squeezing itself” into a bounded, localized body moving in time and space (The Greater View).

Our ultimate goal is to become the most precisely defined and pure rendering of our own unique expression of Pure Source, “down here”. But you cannot properly define and refine your identity until you can “hold your space” and assert your authority over it…

Keeping the “doors and windows of your house” secured is a necessary base, without which there can be no sustainable expansion and elevation of consciousness. Not surprisingly, developing the discernment and skill to own your space is a very important part of XI work.

Frequency Trespass 

Mas was once asked to name the number one spiritual law: “If you don’t own your space, someone or something else will.”  

Another fact of physical existence is that “spirit craves the flesh”: so if your personal space is void and your boundaries open, it will be immediately filled by external frequencies looking to “squat” inside you!

Invasive frequencies can come anywhere from the stranger next to you looking for a “warm place to roost”, to your spouse, dead spirits seeking a body, entities craving control or sustenance, energy shards seeking completion, etc. We live in a vast, unseen “soup” of frequencies from all different sources – if your door is ajar, you’ll invite intruders and parasites!

Boundary breaching is so common, there are myriad ways it occurs: mixing of essence/presence (your frequencies dilute with another’s), squatting (you cede space), hijack/overtake (you’re pushed out of your body), invasion/possession, bleeding into the environment or it bleeding into you (you don’t know where your body ends; oneness with all around you), etc.  

But why do people seek (however unconsciously) to blend themselves with someone else? The answer is, stability – or “holding on to time”. Stabilizing in space-time is THE most basic necessity for survival, otherwise we cannot stay in physical reality and, literally, die – most everything we do is unconsciously aimed at keeping ourselves “here” (Space-Time Part 1).

The problem is, most people misguidedly seek stability outside themselves, and “latch-on” to others to feel safe; or “dump” their heavy (destabilizing) emotions on another for relief; or seek to control the resources of someone bright (an extreme case being mind-control).  


We’ve seen how boundaries are a major pending human challenge, resulting in weak, confused and ill-defined identities in most people. 

Our next articles will look at common cases of frequency trespass as well as powerful XI tools for spiritual hygiene, to clean-out house and detect intruders. Stay tuned!